Get Ready for Roof Moss Removal Season: Save Money and Protect Your Home

As the days get longer here in Victoria, roof moss removal season is fast approaching. With over 315mm of rain in November alone, it’s safe to say we’ve had a pretty wet winter. With heavy rainfall comes heavy moss growth, and we’re expecting a busy spring 2023 season. If you have a friend or relative who needs some information on how to tackle roof moss maintenance, or has questions about the cost and process of removing moss from their roof, please feel free to share this article with them.

Is your roof looking a little green?

It’s best to tackle moss before it completely takes over your roof. But whether you’re catching it early or finally getting around to it, know that MossAway has you covered. The easiest way to know how much roof removal will cost is to start a free quote with us today.

When is the best time to do roof moss removal?

Roof moss removal here on the west coast is typically best done during dry weather. The hotter and dryer it is, the easier it is to remove moss safely from your shingle. It also gives the treatment more time to do its work and sterilize the surface to prevent grow-back.

Why should I choose MossAway?

We feel there are a number of great reasons to choose MossAway for your roof moss removal project, including safety, reputation, quality, speed, friendliness, and reliability - just to name a few. Perhaps one of the best reasons to choose us in 2023 is our new Moss Free Membership™, which we’ll talk about next…

How do I keep moss off my roof for good?

Here on the west coast, keeping moss off your roof is like trying to keep rain off your roof. It’s just another force of nature we have to deal with as west coasters. The best you can do is find the most affordable way of keeping moss off your roof - and here is where MossAway really has you covered.

MossAway goes above and beyond the competition by offering a free membership to each of our moss removal customers called the Moss Free Membership™. Every year MossAway will send out one of our specialists to inspect your roof and evaluate the situation. If we see an area where a spot treatment is needed, we make the recommendation. In tackling the problem this way, our customers pay around $100 - 200 to treat the problem proactively, rather than $1100+ to treat the problem reactively. If our projects are correct, MossAway will save customers close to $240/year over a 14-year period, or a grand total of over $3,100! Over the complete life of a 25-year roof, MossAway customers will save a grand total of over $6,600 or $265/year in roof maintenance.