The Ultimate Guide to Roof-Safe Moss Removal: Preserve Your Roof

What exactly is roof-safe moss removal? A quick search of the web will give you a wide variety of different entities offering roof moss removal services in your area, but are all these businesses offering roof-safe services?

The Roofing Contractors Association of British Columbia publishes an extremely helpful guidebook for general consumers. This guide can help you make the best decision when choosing a roofing contractor but also a roof maintenance service such as roof cleaning. Here are just a few of the key takeaways from the guide, as well as a few of our own tips.

Say NO To Pressure Washing

Never let a contractor take a pressure washer to your asphalt shingle roofing. While this may be appropriate for moss removal on clay or concrete tiles, your asphalt shingle roofing is not designed to be pressure washed. Unfortunately, there are hundreds of homes in Victoria that learned this fact the hard way, and we see the aftermath of pressure washed shingles all too often. In most situations, we suggest that homeowners save the money they were looking to spend on maintenance and, instead, spend it on re-roofing.

Brushing Is OK, But Finesse Is Key

The guide highlights brushing as the typical method of physical moss removal from asphalt shingle roofs. We would expand on this only to say that not all brushing is roof-safe. Moss removal is about roof preservation. To keep in line with that mission, it takes a certain amount of finesse and skill to get the job done right. If you see someone going ham on a rooftop, they might not know what they’re doing. Physical moss removal can be done with a light touch and doesn’t require heavy force to achieve a quality result.

Some Chemicals Are Better Than Others

Roof moss treatment is often what sets different companies apart. Each seems to swear by their brand of chemical and often lists a number of reasons why theirs is better than others. The truth is, there are a wide range of different roof moss treatments that are very effective, but beyond moss-killing efficacy, these chemicals are far from equal.

MossAway uses a hydrogen peroxide-based treatment, specifically designed for the treatment of moss, algae, lichen, and mold. It’s also specifically designed for roof-top application. Other chemicals, although equally effective, are not designed for rooftop application. Furthermore, they’re not ideal for washing down the storm drainage system, which is where roof runoff ends up.

Sodium Hypochlorite is another popular option in the exterior cleaning world. This chemical is extremely effective, but it’s also extreme. The chemical is also known as chlorine bleach but companies often tone down the name, calling it a “soft wash”. Chemical contact with exposed wood, paint, and plants will often end up with tragic results. It’s not plant-safe, pet-safe, or even human-safe for that matter. Contact with eyes or skin can cause burns or blindness and ingesting the chemical can even cause death. While it may be right in certain situations, this chemical is best left for use in other applications. Especially when we consider how many different options we have at our disposal that do the job just fine.

In Summary

There are many different ways to perform roof-safe roof moss removal & treatment on your home. Different companies each offer a different set of skills and experience. Whatever you do, make sure the company is reputable and carries an active account with WorkSafe BC. We always strongly recommend pulling the WorkSafeBC clearance letter yourself, for free, from the WorkSafe BC website.

At MossAway, we prioritize roof-safe moss removal to protect your property and ensure the longevity of your roof. Our experienced team uses the right techniques and chemicals to effectively remove moss without causing damage. When you choose MossAway, you’re choosing a company committed to excellence and customer satisfaction. Contact us today for a free quote and experience the MossAway difference.